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Regarding upcoming appointments at Jersey Farm Dental Practice
Due to the current pandemic and new guidelines, the practice will have changed somewhat since your last visit. All these changes are to try and keep our patients and team as safe as possible. We thought it would be helpful to make you aware of these before your visit.
The patient toilet is unavailable. If required, please speak to the team. Please read the following and telephone our reception on 01727 846417 if you have any questions.
Before your appointment
• At the time of booking, our reception team will update your contact details. This will allow us to send you a reminder of your appointment by e-mail or text 48 hours before. Included in the reminder is a link for you to complete our online CoVid questionnaire and a medical history form. This must be completed before we can see you. If you have any difficulties in accessing the questionnaire, please call reception on 01727 846417
On the day of your appointment
•Come alone where possible, unless you are accompanying a child or are a carer
•Please tell us if your wellbeing has changed since you last spoke to the practice
•Bring your own mask/ face covering. You may be asked to wear an additional clinical mask (provided) on arrival
•Bring only the bare minimum of coats and bags – no shopping bags/ pushchairs will be allowed. Where possible please leave your valuables at home
Entering the practice
•Please have a face covering in place and maintain social distancing within the practice
Please check in at reception before taking a seat in our waiting room, ensuring that you maintain social distancing
• Before you enter the clinical rooms you will be asked CoVid screening questions again. Your temperature will be taken and hand gel provided. If your temperature is over 37.8oC we will not be able to admit you
•You will be escorted directly into the treatment room – please do not touch any surfaces
During your appointment
• Your bags, jacket and phone will be placed in a plastic lidded box in t he treatment room
• All staff will be wearing masks and visors throughout
• Once in the chair you will be asked to remove your mask
• Treatment will be completed
• Following treatment you will be asked to use your face cover, use an antiseptic handgel and gather your belongings. You will then be escorted to the reception area to complete any necessary paperwork before leaving the practice
• The treatment room will undergo the same rigorous cleaning that we have always carried out together with some new enhanced procedures
If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19), please do NOT attend the practice. These symptoms include high temperature, loss or change to your sense of taste or smell, new continuous / persistent cough. In this case, please let us know as soon as you can and follow the government guidelines around self isolation
We look forward to seeing you
Best Wishes
Jersey Farm Dental Practice
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